Benjamin Franklin said that there are only two things certain in life: death and taxes.  But what about change?  Change happens whether you like it or not.  If we could, I am sure we would all happily go back to the days when we had no responsibilities, the word “bills” was only understood in relation to ducks and life seemed a simple thing.  However, change is inevitable in all of our lives and if embraced, can act as a catalyst for improving your current situation.

Resisting change is a dangerous game as change can then happen without your consent.  For example, if you do not watch your diet, you will gain weight; if you do not exercise, you will become unfit.

So, rather than going out of your way trying to avoid change, why not use these easy steps as a starting point for embracing change and taking control of your future:

Don’t waste time: Identify the problem before it becomes a bigger issue.

Shakespeare famously declared in ‘Richard II’, “I wasted time and now doth time waste me”. What he means is that you should not let time pass you by as it only leads to regret.  If you are unhappy in work, in a relationship or indeed with anything in your life, take the necessary steps to change your situation for the better.  It is important to identify the cause of your unhappiness as this paves the way to a solution.

Make a list of any obstacles in your way

After identifying the problem, you need to plan, organise and concentrate.  Challenges will lie in your way and the key is to recognise them and face them head on.  In order to establish what you need to overcome, you must first identify what is in your way.

Plan of Action

By using any and all resources available to you, whether it be your family, friends, colleagues, (even your Mason Alexander recruitment consultant!), you can start to make progress.  The next logical step is to make a plan of action.  This plan should be broken down into small stages with a timeline to completion.  Your goals should always allow you to push yourself whilst also remaining realistic and achievable.

Monitor Your Progress

Long term plans can be extremely difficult to keep on top of.  Life happens, new unforeseen obstacles will arise, and in these situations, it is important to monitor your progress and keep your eye on the end goal while adapting your plan along the way, if needs be.  It is crucial to the entire process to keep tweaking your plan to ensure you follow it through within a realistic timeframe.

Repeat the Process

As previously stated, change is inevitable.  Remember to embrace it and in unforeseen circumstances, to react to it.  Following a formula, like these steps, allows you to welcome, and to an extent, control the change in your life, resulting in positive outcomes.

Unfortunately, life is always there to provide us with countless hiccups along the way, and sometimes we take our eye off the ball, but it is important to realign yourself with your goals and continue to work towards them.  By embracing change, you become a creator of circumstance, rather than a victim of it.

If you are interested in making a positive change in your career, please get in touch with Ben on 01 685 4414 or


Article written by Ben Robinson

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